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How do I fix a slow startup on my laptop?

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Slow startup times on laptops can be inconvenient, especially if you need to use the device right away. But, there are some measures you may do to solve this issue and improve your laptop’s performance. We’ll look at some best practises in this article that you can apply to your fix your Laptop slow startup. 

Clean up your startup to fix Laptop slow startup .

Your laptop starts up with a number of programmes and applications running in the background. Some of these programmes might not be necessary and could prolong the startup time of your laptop. The first step in resolving a laptop startup issue is cleaning up your startup. Do the following actions to tidy up your startup:

  • Click the Start menu and then type “msconfig” into the search box there.
  • Click on the System Configuration icon that appears.
  • Click on the Startup tab.
  • Uncheck the boxes next to programme that you do not need to start automatically when your laptop starts.
  • Click on Apply and then OK.

Your laptop’s startup time can be significantly reduced by optimizing it.

Uninstall unnecessary programmes.

The startup time of your laptop can also be slowed down by unnecessary programmes. These programmes can be uninstalled to release important system resources and hasten laptop startup. These steps should be followed to uninstall programmes:

  • Click on the Start menu and select Settings.
  • Click on the Apps option.
  • Select the installed programmes you do not need from the list by scrolling through it.
  • Click on Uninstall.

The speed of startup on your laptop can be increased by uninstalling unused programmes.

Remove malware and viruses.

On your laptop, malware and viruses can also contribute to a slow startup issue. It is common knowledge that malware and viruses may cause a variety of issues, such as slow startup times, frequent crashes, and freezing.. To remove viruses and malware, you should put antivirus softaware on your laptop.. Norton, McAfee, and Avast are a few of the top antivirus programmes available.

By installing antivirus software, which may help shield your laptop from viruses and malware, you can improve your laptop’s performance, including starting time.

Defragment your hard drive.

Your laptop’s slow startup issue may also be resolved by defragmenting your hard drive. Defragmenting entails reorganising the files on your hard drive in order to increase hard drive performance. If files are spread out over your hard drive, it could take longer for your laptop to access them. If you want to defragment your hard disc, follow these steps:

  • Enter “defrag” in the Start menu’s search box.
  • Click on the Defragment and Optimise Drives option that appears.
  • Choose the hard drive that needs defragmenting.
  • Select “Optimise” from the menu.

The performance of your laptop, including startup time, can be enhanced by defragmenting the hard drive.

Upgrade your hardware.

It could be time to change your hardware if you’ve tried all the aforementioned fixes but your laptop is still sluggish to start up.The performance of your laptop, including startup time, can be enhanced by upgrading its hardware. Upgrades to your processor, hard drive, or RAM are all options.

Although it can be expensive, upgrading your hardware can greatly enhance your laptop’s performance, including startup time.


optimising your startup, removing pointless programmes, getting rid of viruses and malware, defragmenting your hard drive, and, if required, upgrading your hardware can all help your laptop start up more quickly. You can enhance your laptop’s performance, including startup time, by carrying out these steps, and benefit from a quicker and more effective laptop.

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